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Half Day Tour

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size




About this tour


— 方案說明 —

  1. 夏日親子樂:探索海洋生物的奥秘

額外可添加項目:品嘗网紅【南丫天虹海鮮酒家】海鮮午餐 (+HK$198/位)

  • 於索罟灣漁村的景致下,品嘗网紅【南丫天虹海鮮酒家】的海鮮午餐。
  • 選擇【南丫天虹海鮮酒家】海鮮午餐客人,可特別享用連來回貴賓船接送服務,
    – 11:30 於中環 9 號碼頭/尖沙咀 5 號碼頭上船前往索罟灣
    – 14:45/16:30 /18:00 於索罟灣 1 號碼頭 乘坐天虹貴賓船返回中環/尖沙咀

— 使用説明 —

  • 出團日期:7 月 21, 28 日;8 月 10 日(每天分2埸)
  • 時間:上午場 11:00 am-13:30 pm; 下午場 14:45 pm-17:15pm 
  • 集合地點:南丫島索罟灣公眾碼頭
  • 每位參加者必須填寫姓名及身份證頭4位數字

- 參考行程 -

10:40 / 14:25|南丫島索罟灣公眾碼頭集合

10:50-11:00 / 14:35-14:45|乘坐接駁小船到南丫島漁民文化村

11:00-13:30 / 14:45-17:15|海洋實驗工作坊 + 參觀電視拍攝實景地“南丫島漁民文化村” (2.5 小時)

  • 由專業海洋生態導師帶領
  • 在光學顯微鏡下觀察美麗的海洋微生物。了解海洋微生物的重要性,以及平衡的海洋生態系統如何幫助海洋健康。
  • 近距離接觸海星、令人驚嘆的巨型龍躉、魔鬼魚…
  • 專業導賞員介紹香港養魚排,認識附近海域的海洋生態,更可在傳統漁排上一嘗餵魚之樂。
  • 可試玩刺激無鈎釣魚遊戲,體驗漁民智慧,一賞釣大魚滋味!
  • 更有不少海上打卡位讓您盡情拍美照!

— 南丫天虹海鮮宴參考菜單 —

  • 白灼海生蝦
  • 椒鹽焗鮮魷
  • 清蒸南丫島優質魚
  • 得獎咕嚕肉優
  • 清炒時蔬
  • 天虹炒飯

— 條款及細則 —

  • 預訂需2位起 (必須有一位成人)。
  • 成團人數需足 12 位客人起,如不能成團,將會在出發前1天通知閣下,參加者可選擇保留團費作日後報名。
  • 時間:上午場 11:00 am-13:30 pm; 下午場 14:45 pm-17:15pm,每場最多 24 位客人。
  • 行程只供參考,實際安排根據出發當日情況而定。
  • 請提供日間及夜間聯絡電話,以便因天氣變動時聯繫。
  • 請注意保管個人財物,如遇上任何遺失或損失,均由旅客自行承擔。
  • 如有需要,旅客可自行購買保險。
  • 惡劣天氣安排:如集合時間前 2 小時內香港天文台仍然懸掛三號或以上颱風信號、紅色或黑色暴雨警告信號,團隊將取消出發(一號戒備信號及黃色暴雨警告信號則照常出發)。旅客可憑收據於 2 個月內參加本公司其它行程。如天文台於團隊旅途進行中懸掛三號強風信號或黑色暴雨警告信號,為確保旅客安全,行程將即時取消,而有關團費恕不退回。
  • 旅客如出發前取消或缺席,旅客所繳交之全部費用將不獲退回,本公司亦不會為此承擔責任。
  • 依據香港法例第 548 章 附屬法例<商船(本地船隻)(強制第三者風險保險)規例>第 13 條發出,本公司已為船隻購買第三者保險。
  • 根據食物環境衛生署法例,天虹 VIP 船不可攜帶寵物登船
  • 在不能控制的特殊情況下,如惡劣天氣、交通意外、海上特別交通管制、交通工具發生故障等,需額外時間調配以致行程縮減或取消時,旅客不能藉故反對退出。


  • 導遊服務
  • 避風塘專船接載
  • 本地遊保險費用 (**客人必需提供身分證 4 位數字, 及身分證名字**)
  • Other expenses not mentioned
  • Personal expenses




Hong Kong


Hong Kong and Macau


Cultural Experiences
Half-Day & Full-Day Tours

Product Category Codes

Half Day Tour

Frequently asked questions

Present e-voucher on-site

No refunds or exchanges for this booking

Voucher is only valid for redemption on selected dates and time slots

  • Minimum of 2 people are required to book tour. If total number of travelers do not match the minimum requirement for this trip, the tour will be cancelled and you will receive a notification e-mail 3 day(s) prior to departure
  • The itinerary is for reference only, actual arrangements are subject to conditions on the day of departure.
  • Please provide daytime and nighttime contact numbers for contact in case of weather changes.
  • Please take care of your personal belongings. Any loss or damage will be borne by the participants themselves.
  • If the Hong Kong Observatory still hoists Typhoon Signal No. 3 or above or a red or black rainstorm warning signal within 2 hours before the assembly time, the departure will be cancelled (the team will depart as usual for the No. 1 alert signal and yellow rainstorm warning signal). Participants can participate in other itineraries of the company within 2 months with the receipt. If the Observatory hoists the No. 3 strong wind signal or the black rainstorm warning signal during the group trip, the trip will be cancelled immediately to ensure the safety of participants, and the relevant group fees will not be refunded.
  • If the participant cancels or is absent before departure, all fees paid will not be refunded, and the company will not be held responsible for this.
  • Issued in accordance with section 13 of the subsidiary legislation Chapter 548 of the Laws of Hong Kong, the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Compulsory Third Party Risk Insurance) Regulation, our company has purchased third party insurance for the vessel.
  • Under special circumstances beyond our control, such as bad weather, traffic accidents, special maritime traffic control, transportation breakdown, etc., when extra time is required and the itinerary is reduced or canceled, participants cannot object to withdrawal with any excuse.
  • In case of any dispute, Lamma Rainbow Tour Services Limited reserves the right to make the final decision on amending the terms and conditions.
  • Inquiry hotline: (852)2982-8111 Monday to Sunday and public holidays, 10 am to 6 pm.

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