【親子好去處】紅Van的香港故事+地道美食之旅|小巴牌工作坊|參觀唐樓群|品嚐 Cafe100 by The Ritz-Carlton 香港特色餐點|包天際100入場券

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5 hour(s) 30 minute(s)

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size




About this tour


— 方案介紹 —


  • 參加年齡:3歲或以上
  • 成團人數:15人或以上
  • 出發日期:2024年8月4,11,18,25,31日
  • 集合地點:佐敦文匯街小巴總站集合
  • 集合時間:12:30pm
  • 解散時間:06:00pm
  • 團費 (大小同價):$228/位
  • 團費包括:行程內列明景點,導師,活動工作坊材料費用(以組別計),1下午茶,服務費及旅遊平安保險

— 重要資訊 —

  • 參加者請確保身體狀況良好及有能力參與此導賞團
  • 未成年參加者需有家長/監護人一同參與
  • 行程次序僅作參考,實際安排需視乎當日情況作出調動
  • 參加者自行離團,請自行承擔風險責任

— 行程安排 —

12:30 佐敦文匯街小巴總站集合,紅VAN達人講解紅VAN歷史

13:30 乘坐紅Van前往製作小巴牌工作坊(由麥師傅主理)

14:30 乘坐旅遊巴士前往參觀上海街600–606, 612–614 及 620–626號戰前唐樓、雷生春(具古典義大利建築特色的唐樓),途經深水埗唐樓群(車上觀光)、土瓜灣十三街唐樓群

16:00 登上天際100(包入場券),品嚐Cafe100 by The Ritz-Carlton HK香港特色餐點

17:00 專業導遊帶領在28米的互動故事牆聽「港故事」,了解香港建築物的冷知識

18:00 自行解散

— 體驗細則 —

  • 優惠可於出發日最少5日前預訂。
  • 一旦預訂,不可取消或更改。
  • 成團人數需足15人或以上,若未能成團,本公司將於出發前三個工作天作出通知,以安排其他出發日期。
  • 出發人數及詳情等將根據香港特區政府的最新防疫措施或會作出調整。
  • 座位由餐廳安排有可能會夾枱。
  • 任何未成年參加者 (18 歲或以下) 須由年滿 18 歲或以上人士陪同方可參加。
  • 以上價格已包括本地遊團體保險,客人須提供身份證號碼後4位數字作購買保險之用。所有個人資料將會在行程完結後三十個工作天內銷毀。
  • 行程中無法使用輪椅與嬰兒車
  • 敬請提早 10 分鐘抵達集合地點,逾時不候
  • 集合前兩小時,天文台懸掛8號或以上風球,黑色或以上暴雨訊號;團隊將會另行改期出發,已繳付之團費將會保留改期之用。
  • 視乎當日交通及天氣等情況,行程內容可能會取消或更改。
  • 自由活動期間之人身及財物安全由客人自理,責任與主辦方無關。
  • 以上旅程及旅遊服務由港旅國際有限公司 (牌照號碼:353092)提供。


  • 12:30 佐敦文匯街小巴總站集合,紅VAN達人講解紅VAN歷史

<span class='tour-time'><strong>13:30</strong></span>  乘坐紅Van前往製作小巴牌工作坊(由麥師傅主理)

<span class='tour-time'><strong>14:30</strong></span>  乘坐旅遊巴士前往參觀上海街600–606, 612–614 及 620–626號戰前唐樓、雷生春(具古典義大利建築特色的唐樓),途經深水埗唐樓群(車上觀光)、土瓜灣十三街唐樓群

<span class='tour-time'><strong>16:00</strong></span>  登上天際100(包入場券)

<span class='tour-time'><strong>17:00</strong></span>  專業導遊帶領在28米的互動故事牆聽「港故事」,了解香港建築物的冷知識


5 hour(s) 30 minute(s)




Hong Kong


Hong Kong and Macau


Half-Day & Full-Day Tours

Product Category Codes

Half Day Tour

Frequently asked questions

Present e-voucher on-site

No refunds or exchanges for this booking

Voucher is only valid for redemption on selected dates and time slots

  • The offer can be booked at least 5 days before departure date.
  • Once booked, it cannot be canceled or changed.
  • The number of people in the group must be 15 or more. If the group cannot be formed, the company will notify you three working days before departure to arrange another departure date.
  • The number of departures and details may be adjusted based on the latest epidemic prevention measures of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
  • Seats are arranged by the restaurant and may have different tables.
  • Any minor participant (18 years or below) must be accompanied by someone aged 18 or above to participate.
  • The above price includes local travel group insurance. Guests must provide the last 4 digits of their ID number for purchasing insurance. All personal data will be destroyed within thirty working days after the trip is completed.
  • Wheelchairs and strollers are not allowed during the tour.
  • Please arrive at the meeting point 10 minutes early. Latecomers will not be accommodated.
  • Two hours before the gathering, the Observatory hoisted a typhoon signal No. 8 or above, and a black or above heavy rain signal; the group will reschedule the departure, and the paid tour fee will be retained for the purpose of rescheduling.
  • Depending on traffic and weather conditions on the day, the itinerary may be canceled or changed.
  • Guests are responsible for personal and property safety during free activities, and the organizer has nothing to do with the responsibility.
  • The above itinerary and travel services are provided by Hong Kong Travel International Limited (License No.: 353092).
  • Mikitravel and the supplier reserve the right of final decision.

Tour's Location

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